Fuel Log
You can keep a diary of your refueling in the refueling view. Refuel log can be filled in with following information: The amount of E85 and petrol, price, kilometers/miles driven, location and note.
Log in and add the vehicle and control unit to your account.
Add fill-ups so you can keep track of where and what quality you have refueled. Fill-ups can be filled in with following information: The amount of E85 and petrol, price, kilometers/miles driven, location and note.
Choose also "Partially fill-up" or "Full tank". This information is needed to measure average consumption (feature coming later).
Sign in to your account or create a new one.
User Profile
You can create your own account where you can save your vehicle, eFlexFuel device and start maintaining a fuel log.
Add a vehicle to your device. You will need this to use the fuel log.
Sign in to your account or create a new one.
Add the device to your account. You will need this to use the fuel log.
Sign in to your account or create a new one.